Ostara Liebenfels Pdf

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A tiny, slimy, little worm who goes by the childish pseudonym, dudeman5685, on November 15, 2007 so 'eloquently' burped: 'In sum, this is, to quote Stan Marsh, some really f*cked up sh*t right here.' Yeah, your review. Dudeman5685's obnoxious dribble notwithstanding, here's my review: Leibenfelds explores various Scientific and Religious theories to prove his ideas of the Aryan master race and the lower human races. He came to the conclusion that there were two quite distinct humanities outside of one another. On the one hand, we find the Children of the Gods and on the other hand the Children of Men. The first were the Aryans, with a pure spirituality; other races came from biological evolution of animals.

Ostara, also known as Eostre, is the Goddess of spring, youth, renewal and new beginnings. We honor her on the holy day of Ostara, Festival. Ostara liebenfels pdf issues of Ostara magazine, Lanz von Liebenfels also gave the visitors two.Lancz von Liebenfels. Sucht Hitler Lanz selbst auf, um.

Liebenfels, Joerg Lanz von - Ostara Nr. 01 - Die Ostara und das Reich der Blonden (1930, 15 Doppels., Scan, Fraktur).

Leibenfelds also explained the Adamic fall. At the root of this fall, the Aryan race could get into miscegenation, losing divine powers, and other paranormal abilities such as telepathy or clairvoyance and loss of Pineal gland function.

The process of racial mixing made these qualities limited to a few descendants of Aryans. Leibenfelds asserts that the Atlantean continent was divided into pure species and bestial, corresponding to the first and the first anthropoid apes anthropomorphic second: 'The fatal error of anthropoids, the fifth root of the Aryan race-homo sapiens-had repeatedly been mixed with the descendants of apes. ' the consequence of such sins was the creation of several mixed races, threatening the sacred authority of the Aryans.' The men-gods original error was similar to that found in Genesis 6, when 'the sons of God come down to earth and mate with the daughters of men.'

Jesus Christ was a pure Aryan exponent, the powers of which was endowed to Christ came from the cosmic life force known as Vril. The message of salvation of Christ interpreted as a project purification of the Aryan race, which included the necessary destruction of a corrupt world to restore the original Golden Age. With this objective should be to purify and preserve the racial integrity of the Aryan race, as well as launching a great crusade against the threat and the expansion of 'Lower races.' By adopting a eugenic doctrine it would help to revive the Aryan Race, bringing it back to its original purity. This work is the most intense bible study I've ever come across. Liebenfels jumps right away into the substance and or the less intellectual or well read among us it would seem to leave some in a lurch.

Ostara Liebenfels

The man quotes so many scriptures that sometimes it is hard to keep up, but if you examine them you will find that his research and scientific procedure is solid. Since this work is in English many of his sources seem like BS at first, one has to look at the abbreviations page and make a few editions for Anglo-speakers. Our bibles are not formatted in the same way that the Germans have traditionally worded their books, so for instance Zephaniah is Sophanias (Soph.). In their bible there are 4 books of Kings, whereas in ours there are only 2. The differences is that the books of 1st & 2nd Samuel are their 1st and 2nd Kings, and so our 1st and 2nd Kings are their 3rd and 4th Kings.

Another example is the book of Canticles, which is known to us as the Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs), his book of Oseas is known to us as that of the prophet Hosea. He also quotes many books which to the KJV crowd would be considered Apocrphyal.I have a shoddy bible called the Revised Standard Version with Apocrypha. This book is a bastardization of the Bible and on several occasions when I was looking up Liebenfels references I came to a certain book (the book of Baruch) or Sirach and found that verses in chapters as well as entire chapters and sections of these works were cut out. At first I thought Liebenfels was just making up verses until I checked the Septuagint: and everything he said was there was there in black & white. There are a few other examples but I find that he is just as solid as a rock (i didn't say stone![;p for those of you who've read the work]) What I find in this study and elsewhere is that the bible may say something, but it means 3 things and all are in accordance with themselves, if one reads of encounters with the Christ in the gospels you will find him stressing symbolism, and coding his messages: Mark 4:10/11 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the MYSTERY of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all [these] things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and [their] sins should be forgiven them.

(Compare with Matthew 13:10-17, or Luke 8:10) So he codes his own teachings for the sake of the elect of his people, and those who are not (alike the Edomite Jews who had come in to their fold with John Hyrcanus) would be without understanding and therefore also without forgiveness. One will find that Lanz von Liebenfels took for granted the Israelite Identity (what some call British Israelism or Christian Identity) of the Nordic (Aryan) race. That they are descended from Israel, and fulfill the prophecies all promised to Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob of their descendents and so forth. --------------------------------------------- The second half of this work deals with the nature of God and reveals the true purpose of the work which is to promote the process of 'transmigration'. I would say this process is sort of a spiritual evolutionary process, however, since religion and race (biology) are tied so closely I cannot say it is not biological in nature as well.

Lanz von Liebenfels, the famous German racial-occult theorist and publisher of 'Ostara' wrote this pamphlet in 1904 and this English translation appeared in 2004, published by a group called Europa House. When one looks it up in Nicholas Goodrick-Clarkes 'The Occult Roots of Nazism', a seminal work on the subject, we find the work discussed in detail on p. 94 - 98 where Clarke provided his own translations of passages from the text. Cognates of these two passages can be found, albeit in different translation, in the present pamphlet. So I think we can surmise that this is an authentic translation of the German original. Briefly, Theozoology is a work of biblical exegesis, in keeping with Lanzs background as a Cisistern monk (defrocked in 1899).

Lanz displays an impressive familiarity with a range of Biblical and apocryphal texts, as well as the Talmud, the Church Fathers, Koran, and even medieval Arthurian romances, to advance his thesis that many Hebrew and Greek words translated as 'wood, water, stones, wind, etc.' Are actually euphemisms for various, what one might call cryptozoological creatures, 'sodomite' appelings, mer-people and birdmen. He postulates that these creatures are the second Adamites, who God created from dust in Genesis 2, and are distinct from the true humans who God created in his own image in Genesis 1. The latter have the 'Gotter-Elecktron' or Divine Electron and are pure Aryans; the only reason that 'lower' or 'dark' races came into being is through acts of bestiality with the non-human creatures created in Genesis 2. Pictures of these creatures in their true form (including dinosaurs) are displayed as an appendix at the end of the text. The dramatic high point of the book comes with Lanzs radical re-interpretation of the Crucifixion.

In Lanzs narrative Christ was held down and brutally raped by hordes of these creatures in revenge from spreading the gospel of the Aryans divine origins. The program for action at the end makes heady reading. Lanz informs us that the last pure bred monster died out in the 900s and the only trace of them is in the non-Aryan half-breeds known as colored races. He proposes physical separation of the divine and cthonic races and the death penalty for anyone who would make the ultimate sin of mixing Holy Blood with that of the subhumans; the purity of which is supposedly the central tenet of the original teachings of Christ.

He notes that women are more prone to do this than men. He also advocates a vigorous sterilization, eugenical and, in some case, euthanasia program for the upliftment of the Aryan race. In sum, this is, to quote Stan Marsh, some really f*cked up sh*t right here.

Ostara Lanz Von Liebenfels Pdf

A tiny, slimy, little worm who goes by the childish pseudonym, dudeman5685, on November 15, 2007 so 'eloquently' burped: 'In sum, this is, to quote Stan Marsh, some really f*cked up sh*t right here.' Yeah, your review. Naina Dudeman5685's obnoxious dribble notwithstanding, here's my review: Leibenfelds explores various Scientific and Religious theories to prove his ideas of the Aryan master race and the lower human races. He came to the conclusion that there were two quite distinct humanities outside of one another. On the one hand, we find the Children of the Gods and on the other hand the Children of Men.

The first were the Aryans, with a pure spirituality; other races came from biological evolution of animals. Leibenfelds also explained the Adamic fall. At the root of this fall, the Aryan race could get into miscegenation, losing divine powers, and other paranormal abilities such as telepathy or clairvoyance and loss of Pineal gland function. The process of racial mixing made these qualities limited to a few descendants of Aryans. Leibenfelds asserts that the Atlantean continent was divided into pure species and bestial, corresponding to the first and the first anthropoid apes anthropomorphic second: 'The fatal error of anthropoids, the fifth root of the Aryan race-homo sapiens-had repeatedly been mixed with the descendants of apes. ' the consequence of such sins was the creation of several mixed races, threatening the sacred authority of the Aryans.' The men-gods original error was similar to that found in Genesis 6, when 'the sons of God come down to earth and mate with the daughters of men.'

Jesus Christ was a pure Aryan exponent, the powers of which was endowed to Christ came from the cosmic life force known as Vril. The message of salvation of Christ interpreted as a project purification of the Aryan race, which included the necessary destruction of a corrupt world to restore the original Golden Age. With this objective should be to purify and preserve the racial integrity of the Aryan race, as well as launching a great crusade against the threat and the expansion of 'Lower races.' By adopting a eugenic doctrine it would help to revive the Aryan Race, bringing it back to its original purity. This work is the most intense bible study I've ever come across. Liebenfels jumps right away into the substance and or the less intellectual or well read among us it would seem to leave some in a lurch. The man quotes so many scriptures that sometimes it is hard to keep up, but if you examine them you will find that his research and scientific procedure is solid.

Ostara Liebenfels Pdf

Since this work is in English many of his sources seem like BS at first, one has to look at the abbreviations page and make a few editions for Anglo-speakers. Our bibles are not formatted in the same way that the Germans have traditionally worded their books, so for instance Zephaniah is Sophanias (Soph.). In their bible there are 4 books of Kings, whereas in ours there are only 2.

The differences is that the books of 1st & 2nd Samuel are their 1st and 2nd Kings, and so our 1st and 2nd Kings are their 3rd and 4th Kings. Another example is the book of Canticles, which is known to us as the Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs), his book of Oseas is known to us as that of the prophet Hosea. He also quotes many books which to the KJV crowd would be considered Apocrphyal.I have a shoddy bible called the Revised Standard Version with Apocrypha. This book is a bastardization of the Bible and on several occasions when I was looking up Liebenfels references I came to a certain book (the book of Baruch) or Sirach and found that verses in chapters as well as entire chapters and sections of these works were cut out. At first I thought Liebenfels was just making up verses until I checked the Septuagint: and everything he said was there was there in black & white. There are a few other examples but I find that he is just as solid as a rock (i didn't say stone![;p for those of you who've read the work]) What I find in this study and elsewhere is that the bible may say something, but it means 3 things and all are in accordance with themselves, if one reads of encounters with the Christ in the gospels you will find him stressing symbolism, and coding his messages: Mark 4:10/11 And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the MYSTERY of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all [these] things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and [their] sins should be forgiven them.