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Tools and samples • • 2 minutes to read • Contributors • In this article The contains sample applications that demonstrate how to use Windows Machine Learning, as well as tools that help verify models and troubleshoot issues during development. Tools The following tools are available on GitHub.

  1. Speeding Up Windows 10 Performance
  2. Winrunner Testing

Name Description A viewer for neural network models. Created by Lutz Roeder. Pyar ka mausam songs. A command-line tool that can run.onnx or.pb models where the input and output variables are tensors or images. Useful because it lets you run the WinML APIs against a model and see if it hits any issues before trying to integrate it into an application.

Tests performed using Microsoft’s WinMLRunner tool in the Windows ML sample application. The inferences/sec is calculated from the application’s reported “Evaluate” time over 1000 iterations. Pretrained models were obtained from the ONNX documentation. Tests performed using Microsoft’s WinMLRunner tool in the Windows ML sample application. The inferences/sec is calculated from the application’s reported “Evaluate” time over 1000 iterations. The inferences/sec is calculated from the application’s reported “Evaluate” time over 1000 iterations.

How can the answer be improved? WinMLRunner A command-line tool that can run.onnx or.pb models where the input and output variables are tensors or images. Useful because it lets you run the WinML APIs against a model and see if it hits any issues before trying to integrate it into an application.

Speeding Up Windows 10 Performance

Samples The following sample applications are available on GitHub. Name Description Shows how to tensorize an input image by using the WinML APIs on both the CPU and GPU. Shows how you can use WinML to power a fun emotion-detecting application. Uses the FNS-Candy style transfer model to re-style images or video streams. Corresponds to. Start from a basis and work through the tutorial, or run the completed project. Uses a pre-trained machine learning model, generated using the Custom Vision service on Azure, to detect if the given image contains a specific object: a plane.

Winrunner Testing

Uses SqueezeNet, a pre-trained machine learning model, to detect the predominant object in an image selected by the user from a file. A ROS (Robot Operating System) node which uses WinML to track people (or other objects) in camera frames.